作者:正在核实中..       来源于:中国艺术传播网







在朱屺瞻艺术馆二、三楼展出的“ 水墨创造•感悟都市”展览,从中国都市化进程和都市文化崛起带来的水墨人文景观入手,将当代水墨艺术家从山水和人物两个分主题切入中国改革开放后的都市社会图景,呈现出中国独有的社会现实;


二楼展出的“ 水墨•抽象”展览,从单纯的水墨语言角度,探索语言表达和观念之间的联系,更深层次的切入了当代人的精神世界;

而在多伦三楼展出的“粉墨——当代女性水墨画展” 则借助女性艺术家独特的视野,细腻的呈现了当代人的日常生活,借助水墨把当代女性对生活的感悟和思考纳入了水墨艺术的总体视角。

连续第四届举办“上海新水墨大展”如此规模的展览,对艺术馆自身来说是一个挑战,但面对各方面的问题和困难,“上海新水墨大展”的话题和语境还在不断的延伸:相对前三届展览,“水墨当下”大展本身就是一个敞开的结构,借力社会资源,特邀客座策展人加盟,分别吸纳了来自海外的策划人张平杰、南京的陈孝信、上海的蒋正根及天津的杨维民先生,而他们的身份既有独立策展人,也有体制内的学院教授和国家艺术机构内的策划人;同时,在当代水墨的领域当中,既有利用传统水墨语言,继续抒写个性情怀的艺术创作,也有关注整体社会现实,揭示与思考社会政治图景的艺术实践,也有从语言和观念的角度,以水墨元素本身的展开切入精神层面的探索,因此,本次大展的子展览主要从全球化-地域、观念-语言、社会图景-个人心性等多个角度来呈现水墨在当代的真实生存状态,希望能够从不同的视角来剖析水墨的现象和问题,同时这些子展览本身也能成为被剖析的个案,为当代水墨的研究提供丰富的资料。所以,“水墨当下”的艺术视野不仅面对当代水墨领域,同时也把视野投向自身:究竟什么样的水墨创作能够承担对于当下文化和精神的反思?艺术家的创作和策展人的理念如何能够通过展览得到最佳的放大? 如何通过一种具体的艺术形式来达到文化的越界和交流?这些都是通过展览抛砖引玉而来的诸多话题和思考。


展览总策划 陈九

Artistic View of “Water-ink Today”

From the second half of the 20th century to the beginning of the 21st century, within the traditional and modern double context, the issue of water-ink art is one of the specific external embodiments of the Chinese culture and thinking. For the past decade, with the elevation of China’s economic and cultural status in the international stage, its nationality and cultural consciousness is further enhanced; “water ink”, as an artistic form of expression and one of the important representations of the Chinese art and culture, has attracted more and more attention at home and abroad. At the same time, many an important artist and institution have also participated in the construction and study of water-ink art. Therefore, to organize and present the current development of the water-ink art will be an important cultural activity for grasping the trend of the time.

Nationality identity and cultural recognition have always been an important topic for the Chinese water-ink painters; especially under the background of global cultures, cultural globalization and the discourse right of the Chinese art are the challenges confronting each and every artist. Exhibition and communication are important bridges for promoting exchange and dialogue. Zhu Qizhan Art Museum and Shanghai Duolun Museum of Modern Art, while planning the first Shanghai New Water-ink Art Exhibition, are devoted to constructing Shanghai New Water-ink Art Base as a standing platform for new water-ink art research and activities so as to promote the development of new water-ink art.

Zhu Qizhan Art Museum and Shanghai Duolun Museum of Modern Art have long been paying attention to the contemporary water-ink art: in 2005, the group exhibition of Harmony of Heaven, Earth and Man for the three artists Liu Guosong, Chen Jialing, and Qiu Deshu was held as the first Shanghai New Water-ink Art Exhibition; in 2006, the 2nd Shanghai New Water-ink Art Exhibition was held, with the theme of Rebirth of Water-ink Art, adopting the guest curator system, its 9 sub-exhibitions presenting in all perspectives the ecological sight of the new water-ink art. The 3rd New Water-ink Art Exhibition in 2007 invited the attendance of Lu Yanshao Arts Center while continuing to adopt the guest curator system. With the theme of Water-ink on the Way, the exhibition presents from multiple levels that water-ink landscape on the way, presenting the progress of the dynamic development of water-ink art.

It has been five sessions now since our museum held the first Shanghai New Water-ink Art Exhibition – Harmony of Heaven, Earth and Man in 2005. For the past few years, the context of new water-ink art has been developing towards an even more favorable direction. We are glad to see the expansion and strengthening of the new water-ink creation team and the harmonious coexistence of different types of artistic forms, which demonstrates the diversified value orientations, composing the contrasting and complementing overall artistic mechanism in the contemporary water-ink art. Whether “the water-ink paintings rejecting the western style” or “the post-water-ink paintings following the western style”, they are but two different routes towards the same end in their seeking for the combination between modern artistic language and the spirit of the traditional Chinese culture.

Water-ink paintings, as the symbol and medium of the national culture, are attracting more and more attention in the diversified cultures of the world; the space for dialogue between water-ink art and the art forms in the world is increasing; art museums all around the world are playing an important promoting role in the research and construction of water-ink art, and the international cultural communication is further developing.
The Chinese painter artists are becoming increasingly confident about the Chinese culture amidst the contemporary cultural layout in the world. Standing at a higher point of protecting the national culture and promoting the national spirit, in order to enhance the cultural discourse right of the Chinese art, we must strive to promote the Chinese culture, as the world wouldn’t be if without different nationalities. Therefore, we should both have a broad mind and international perspective and stick to the cultural spirit of our own nation.

The 4th Shanghai New Water-ink Art Exhibition 2009: Water-ink Art Today, co-organized by Zhu Qizhan Art Museum and Shanghai Duolun Museum of Modern Art, exhibits the contemporary water-ink works by over 60 artists at home and abroad, representing the current development condition of the overall water-ink art. The exhibition is composed of five theme sub-exhibitions. Special Exhibition of Shanghai New Water-ink Base at the ground floor of Zhu Zhanqi Art Museum introduces the recent works by the three artists who participated the first such exhibition in 2005: Liu Guosong, Chen Jialing, and Qiu Deshu, reviews the development track and process of new water-ink exhibitions, and presents the new achievements made by these artists in the water-ink art field.

Water-ink Creation•City Inspirations at the second and third floor of Zhu Zhanqi Art Museum presents the water-ink humanity landscape during urbanization and the rising of urban culture and divides the urban social scenes after the adoption of reform and opening up policy in China into two sub-themes: landscape and figure paintings to reflect the unique social reality in China.

Water-ink Art Overseas at the ground floor of Shanghai Duolun Museum of Modern Art selects the works by overseas Chinese water-ink painters and foreign artists engaged in water-ink art to present the historical and current artistic perspectives amongst globalization and localization.

Water-ink•Abstract at the second floor explores the relationship between language expression and concepts from the pure water-ink language perspective and probes more deeply into the spiritual world of the contemporary people.

And Pink Ink—Water-ink Painting Exhibition for Contemporary Female Artists at the third floor of Shanghai Duolun Museum of Modern Art presents with subtlety the everyday life of the modern people from the unique perspective of female artists and includes, by means of water ink, contemporary women’s understanding and thinking of life into the overall perspective of the water-ink art.
To hold four consecutive sessions of the large-scale Shanghai New Water-ink Art Exhibition, this is a challenge to the art museum itself; yet despite the many problems and difficulties, the subject and context of the

exhibition is continuously extending: compared with its three predecessors, the current exhibition of “Water-ink Today” is an open structure, resorting to social resources, inviting the participation by guest curators, including overseas planner Zhang Pingjie, Mr. Chen Xiaoxin from Nanjing, Mr. Jiang Zhenggen from Shanghai, and Mr. Yang Weimin from Tianjin, their identities being independent exhibition planner, college professor, and planner in state art institutions. At the same time, in the contemporary water-ink art, there are artistic works that depict individual emotions through the traditional water-ink language, artistic practices that focus on the social reality as a whole and disclose and ponder upon the social politics, and artistic explorations that penetrate into the spiritual level based upon water-ink elements from the language and concept perspectives.

Therefore, the sub-exhibitions of the current exhibition mainly present the real existence of water-ink art in the contemporary age from the multiple aspects of globalization – region, concepts – language, and social prospects – individual personality, in the hope of probing into the phenomena and problems of water-ink art from different perspectives. Besides, these sub-exhibitions themselves can also be cases for study, offering rich materials for the research of the该处所说的contemporary water-ink art. Therefore, the artistic view of “Water-ink Today” not only includes the contemporary water-ink art, but also include the exhibition, posing these questions for contemplation: what kind of water-ink works take a retrospection into the current culture and spirit? How can the artists’ works and planners’ ideals be optically magnified through exhibitions? What kind of specific artistic form can realize the cultural exchange and communication? All these are subjects and questions that we wish to lead the public to ponder upon through the exhibition.

The 4th Shanghai New Water-ink Art Exhibition: Water-ink Today wishes to disclose, through the specific phenomena and subject of water-ink art, the contemporary cultural and spiritual landscape in China, organizing and presenting the contemporary water-ink art, promoting the academic achievements of Zhu Qizhan Art Museum and Shanghai New Water-ink Art Base, and introducing new study subjects for the construction and communication of contemporary national culture in China.
Chief exhibition planner



